A special order item is one which is not in stock and is instead either bespoke or made/assembled to your order specifically.
They are usually the component of a 'tailored' and interesting design.
Made simple
Lead-times and delivery indications from manufacturers are their general guide only and cannot be guaranteed unfortunately.
Special order items are non-returnable and non-cancellable (subject to the manufacturer's terms).
The same protocols apply to other retailers.
However, we still believe, we do everything we can and more than most to facilitate the smooth and timely delivery of your special order item/s.
Made detailed
Your item, be it a bespoke cut shower or special piece of furniture is assembled or made to your specifications. The reason why they can't cancel them without charge is because they have significant costs and inconveniences that they incur as a result and are highly unlikely to be able to sell your specific item to another customer.
Please make sure you double-check your order and measurements and contact us and/or the manufacturer is there is anything you unsure of. It's best never to make assumptions.
With regards to timings, we too would rather have things now and the wait is never ideal for fitters either, but no matter how much business any retailers place with manufacturers, they have no control or power over this aspect.
Should your special order item/s look to arrive later than hoped, you may have an installation slot booked. We can talk to your installers for you and will do our best to rearrange the schedule, even asking other customers if they can move for you if that's necessary.
That said, while delays occur, even when they do, once the bathroom is finished, the memories of any delays are usually long forgotten and our customers always say that the special items they ordered were well worth the wait!
As said, overall, special order items are exactly that, 'special' and have that unique quality that makes your new bathroom great so we're always here to help and to go beyond normal levels of effort to make the process as smooth as it can possibly be.